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Welcome to Elizabeth Lutheran Church

Mission: Loving God. Loving Others. Sharing The Word. 

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Church Schedule




10:00 AM


Join us immediately following the service for delicious snacks provided by congregation members.

9:00 AM

In a season that has seen relentless change for the church, we are boldly grateful to be able to come together as a body of Christ to worship. Please join us for our service and, as a believer in the Sacrament of Christ, meet us at the altar to partake in The Eucharist. 

10:30 AM


Sunday School for all ages

  • Nursery

  • Pre K- 1st

  • 2nd – 6th

  • Teen’s

  • Adult’s

Lutherans hold to three basic principles of theology:

We are saved by the grace of God alone – not by anything we do. Our salvation is through faith alone – we need only to believe that our sins are forgiven for Christ’s sake, who died to redeem us. The Bible is the only norm of doctrine and life – the only true standard by which teachings and doctrines are to be judged. Lutherans hold to basic teachings of the Church: the Ten Commandments, The Apostles’ Creed, the Lord’s Prayer, Holy Baptism, Confession and Absolution, Holy Communion, and Corporate Worship.

Elizabeth Lutheran 




We’re located in Caldwell, Texas, on Highway 21 about one mile east of the intersection of Highways 21 & 36, look for the stoplight and church steeple. Come visit and worship with us. We look forward to meeting you and growing in our faith journey together.



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165 Co Rd 307, Caldwell, TX 77836 |  Tel:  (979) 567-4286

PO Box 675 Caldwell, Texas 77836

Office Hours: M-F: 9AM - 1PM

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